Wembley Park is one of the largest residential developments currently underway in the UK.
The development is an 85-acre site, which will become over 8.8 million square feet of ‘mixed use’ development space – including over 8000 new homes.
The development has 4 key contractors which was an intentional strategy by the developer to guarantee capacity in the market, and engender collaboration and innovation, whilst ensuring that the construction was completed at pace.
These 4 key contractors are spread over the development’s dozen or so project zones / areas.
There are currently well over 1500 construction workers on site, of which nearly 40% are local Brent residents.
The plan is to fully complete Wembley Park by 2024, with 3,000 Build to Rent completed by 2020.
Alandale provide a ‘Site-Wide’ Logistical Service to the client that includes (in summary):
- A dedicated / full time vehicle holding centre – each and every construction vehicle that is delivering to the Wembley Park Development (other than exceptions / specified types) is accepted and held in the centre, assigned the correct delivery zone and then dispersed to the correct area when available.
- A dedicated off-site consolidation centre – located in very close proximity to Wembley park, any required material storage is managed by Alandale in the consolidation centre.
- A security management team – responsible for the security of the main entry point to the entire development – both day and night.
- A dedicated site-wide traffic management team who are responsible for the safe control of every key interface point / main vehicular gates to each plot within the development.
- A dedicated Logistics / Delivery Management service – centrally controlling every vehicle delivery request that is required to each of the projects within the Wembley development.
- Currently our Web-Based Delivery Management system (ADBM) has centrally managed every delivery request to the Wembley Park Development and to date this has exceeded 110,000 requests.
This site-wide service provides the client with a single point of contact for all matters relating to development’s Logistical infra-structure (Security, Traffic, Material & Delivery Management).