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Construction Logistics Plan

A Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) is a document that sets out the Strategy of a project, taking into account the local environmental factors such as transport infrastructure and public transport access.

It seeks to manage, control and subsequently reduce the impact of the developmentā€™s construction operations upon the local environment by means of planning and mitigation measures to reduce negative impacts and enhance positive impacts.

Alandale have worked with TFL on the production of a template Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) which is based upon Alandale’s provided Logistical documents and procedures.

The CLP is produced as part of the pre-construction process and is intended to address all of the key traffic and ā€˜infra-structureā€™ aspects of a projects logistics management (areas such as parking / off-loading management / noise / dust / congestion / neighbour liaison and consideration etc.)

Construction Logistics Plans are one of the key targets within the London Freight Plan (produced by TfL) and these targets have also been incorporated within the Mayorā€™s Transport Strategy.

  • Key project within the London Freight Plan
  • Required as part of the planning approval procedure for projects / developments

Project Logistics / CLP ‘Summary’ Handbook

One of the many communication tools that Alandale have developed over the years is the ā€˜Contractors Handbookā€™.

This is a summary of a Project’s Logistics Strategy, giving clear / simple information and summary guidance to all contractors working on the project as to how the project logistics will operate, and what their resulting responsibilities will be whilst working on the project.

This format is also adopted to provide a Contractorsā€™ Summary ā€˜CLP Handbookā€™ which would (in simple terms) ensure that the content and requirements of the CLP are filtered through the entire Management Chain ā€“ improving communication and implementation, whilst also providing the Main Contractor with a ā€˜Management Toolā€™ for non-compliances.

Alandale are also proud to have the first ever produced CLP approved by a Local Authority.

Croydon Council Urban Regeneration Vehicle (CCURV) CLP Case Study

Alandale are extremely proud of the work conducted with Sir Robert McAlpine on the Croydon CURV and in particular the positive feedback from Croydon Council on the CLP that was produced for the CURV Project.